Have A Question?

Please find below several ways you can contact us so we can help you with your question or query…

We will help you as soon as possible.

Where We Are Based...

The home of the Axarquia Social Club is located at PJs Bar in Nerja.

PJ’s Bar
El Zoco, 23 Calle Paco Romo, 29780, Nerja

Email & Website
[email protected]

Send Us An Email

Fill out this form below to send us an email directly.

Join Us On The Social Networks

Join us on Facebook & Instagram and never miss an event, trip or special offer!

View all the photos from trips and have your say in where we go and what we do!

We are also available to be contacted on WhatsApp & Facebook Messenger.

Click the buttons below to get started…


If you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact Pj on:

+34 603 113 931

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