Cordoba Patios 2024 Guide & Information | Axarquia Social Club

Cordoba Patios 2024 Guide & Information

We are on our way back to sunny Cordoba this Thursday to visit the annual Cordoba Patios event. A great day out for everyone and a trip that I have run every year for the last 7 years…

I will hand you all a map once we are on the bus and answer any questions you may have.

I will also suggest what I believe is the best way to see the patios through the day.

Please note that the patios are closed between 14:00hr & 18:00hr.

I have provided a list of other attractions that are worth visiting during this time at the bottom of this page.

Interactive Digital Map

What Are The Cordoba Patios?


A courtyard is an outdoor space in a house that provides lighting and ventilation to the other rooms. In addition, its accessible location makes it a communal area, the centre of family life.
The image of a Cordovan courtyard has its legacy in the Islamic house, which was characterised by the construction of façades facing inwards. The external appearance is irrelevant as it is merely constituted by a blind wall. After the Christian conquest of the city, this architectural structure was maintained and still exists in houses today.


As well as presenting a façade, a courtyard is distinguished by its decoration with many flowers planted in beds and pots, which either hang from the walls or are placed on a Chinese-style paving specific to Cordoba. Along with these aspects, wells or fountains embellish the space, creating a beautiful image in which water, light and vegetation fuse together; a clear reflection of the city’s Arabic past. To complete the ornamentation, owners usually include antique furniture, iron cooking implements, shafts, capitals or other archaeological remnants


As each courtyard has its own unique architecture (the product of diverse historical evolutions), establishing typologies is an arduous task. However, in general, the courtyards are divided into two basic groups:

Monumental and stately courtyards: 

Those pertaining to old palaces of the local aristocracy or notable religious buildings, such as the Patio de los Naranjos (the Orange Tree Courtyard), or those of the synagogue and the Santuario de la Fuensanta (Sanctuary of Fuensanta). Among the stately courtyards, the Palacio de Viana (Palace of Viana) stands out, integrating twelve courtyards with different architectural styles.

Competition courtyards: 

All the courtyards that have participated in the municipal competition since its beginning in 1921 until the present. At the same time, there are two types that correspond to the competition categories: courtyards with old architecture and courtyards with modern or renovated architecture. The first category refers to those that were built up until the seventies and conserve their main structural features. On the other hand, the courtyards with modern architecture are those that belong to new houses constructed after the demolition of a previous dwelling, or which have undergone such a degree of intervention that the most significant elements have been lost.


The Patios are located in private homes and are open to visitors free of charge. Therefore, please behave in accordance with the generosity of these Cordoban men and women who invite the public to visit their homes.

The neighbours are present in the patio, ask them any questions you may have, they will be happy to inform you. Please respect the plants and the grounds you are visiting. Do not disturb the silence of the enclosures, listen to the sound of water and enjoy the smells and colours that exist in each patio.

Do not abuse the photographs and be aware that there are people behind you waiting to enter for the visit, as most of the patios are small and their capacity is limited, so visitors come and go depending on the size of the patio.

The City Council has provided public toilets, information points and health care services in the Patios areas and routes. Their locations are shown on the interactive map by clicking the link provided above.

Please wear comfortable shoes, keep hydrated, hat and sun cream for protection.

Cordoba will be alot hotter than down here on the coast and you can expect to queue in the sun to visit the more popular patios…

The Routes

You can find below enlarged maps of the specific routes.

Route 1

Route 2

Route 3

Route 4

Route 5

Route 6


Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba

The Monumental Ensemble Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba proposes the beautiful complexity of the integration of the most diverse styles and artistic supports. 

Hellenism to the Baroque, through the caliphal splendor, this building gives us a complete and unrepeatable vision of Art History, a rich dialogue between cultures.

Alcazar of the Christian Monarchs

The Alcázar of Córdoba, a fortress and palace with solid walls, contains within its interior a large part of the architectural evolution of Córdoba.

Roman and Visigoth remains coexist with those of Arab origin in this majestic site, since it was a favorite place of the different rulers of the city.

Palacio de Viana

The Viana Palace concentrates in one place the largest collection of Patios in Cordoba and one of the most important stately homes in Spain.

An essential visit to learn about the history, heritage and essence of the city.

Roman Bridge of Cordoba

The Roman Bridge of Córdoba built in the 1st century BC. C., has undergone several remodeling throughout history.

The main structure dates back to the Middle Ages, with the most recent intervention being in 1876. It consists of sixteen arches, four pointed and the rest semicircular.

Plaza de la Corredera

Historical town square dating to the 17th century & bounded by an old town hall & a jail.

This plaza is full of bars and restaurants and a very pleasent place to stop and have a drink.

Plaza de Tendillas

This popular plaza which its origin in the 1920s features a fountain & prominent equestrian statue.

This plaza is next to the the all the shops in Cordoba. If you want to do a bit of shopping…

Cordoba Zoo

The one in Córdoba was one of the first Spanish zoos, a small 8,000-meter zoo with more than 500 specimens of more than 100 different species, including mammals, birds and reptiles.
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tickets are not available to buy on the website yet...

Please contact PJ to purchase your tickets or to find out more information about this proposed trip. Thank you.